NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 5090股票在發佈時非常罕見,GPU也是5080 GPU

新報告表明,即將發布的NVIDIA RTX 50905080在發佈時很難找到。旗艦和下一步往下的卡似乎以前幾代人數量的一小部分交付。

旗艦RTX 5090更便宜RTX 5080NVIDIA現在的當前一代強國。這些卡在CES 2025宣布,只是落在審稿人的手中 - 包括我們的- 但是在購買它們時,這些GPU可能會從商店中丟失。自發布此故事以來,我們現在還進行了完整的Nvidia GeforceRTX 5090評論,在這裡您可以看到新卡的所有完整基準。

關於摩爾定律的講話《已死》(MLID)是一個專門針對硬件新聞的YouTube頻道,四個消息來源詳細介紹了兩張RTX 50系列卡的情況。第一位消息人士聲稱,他們在銷售的第一個月僅收到了“ 〜20 RTX 5080”,同時獲得了“零5090S”。

YouTube Thumbnail


moore's law is dead screenshot saying: RTX 5090 & 5080 Supply Leak (Mid-January 2025): Moore Source 1: We [NA Distributor] will get ~20 RTX 5080s for the first month of sales, and ZERQ 5090s. For comparison, we got a couple hundred RTX 4080s in 2022. Oh, and we don't expect to get any 5090 supply until late Q1 or Q2. Source 2. We (AIB wil have aroud the same amount of RTX 5090s for launch as we had RTX 30902 Meanwhile, we will have more 5080s, but it's a fraction of what we received for the 4080 launch two years ago. So, at least from AlBs (I don't know anything about FE supply), I'd roore's Law Is D ¿ YouTube MOS estimate there may be similar or even less RTX 5090 supply than there was 3090, and then there should be a third to half as many RTX 5080s as there were 4080s at launch as well. Source 3: Obviously | [Nvidia] am not exposed to discussions about supply, but what I can say is that we were just warned that there won't be many RTX 5090 FEs available from the Employee Store at launch. And to be clear - it was very easy for an Nvidia Employee to get an RTX 4090 FE when it launched in 2022 from that same internal store. Source 4: All I can say is that over here [EU AIB] the RTX 5090 looks like it will be very rare, but the RTX 5080 seems to have ok supply for at least the initial launch.

甚至NVIDIA員工也將努力獲得最新的GPU。 MLID的NVIDIA Insider聲稱,該公司本身製造的5090的RTX 5090 FE(股票”或“參考”卡將受到限制。 “我們被警告說,發射員的員工商店不會有很多RTX 5090 FES。”他們補充說,三年前獲得4090菲很容易獲得。

同時,Zotac沒想到將其5090 GPU提供到2月。但是,外部因素可能導致潛在的股票問題。

根據板凳生命,由常規GPU狂熱者翻譯X上的harukaze5719, 這RTX 5000系列卡供應有限。這歸因於即將舉行的農曆一年和“ Nvidia和[其他製造商]之間的溝通問題”​​。

這樣說,Benchlife期望更實惠NVIDIA RTX開始在“ 2月中旬至二月”中運輸。但是,那些希望將其PC升級到更實惠的人RTX 5070,可能需要等待更長的時間,因為根據Benchlife,直到“ 3月初”才能上市。您現在也可以閱讀我們的完整RTX 5080評論了解新的$ 999圖形卡在我們的遊戲基準中的表現。